Kvaløya bo- og velferdssenter
Space Programming (using Service and Systems-oriented Design) (2024 - ongoing)
Fabric+ spearheads the service design efforts as an integral component of WSP's strategy to deliver the project as the principal contractor.
Understand Intersecting Systems and Services: Engage collaboratively with users to understand the intersecting and interacting systems and services that operate simultaneously in the bo- og velferdssenter.
Translate Understanding into Effective Space Programming: Co-design with stakeholders to translate this understanding into effective mixed-use space programming.
Key Goals
Tromsø kommune through WSP
Kvaløya / Troms / Norway
Key Fabric+ services
Innovation in services and systems
Support in the planning process
Manuela Aguirre
How can we effectively design a mixed-used development area that centers around health services?
The current nursing facility located at Slettatorget district center on Kvaløysletta does not meet Tromsø's present and future standards for urban and community development. In response, the Kvaløya bo- og velferdssenter (BOV) project aims to create a mixed-use environment that incorporates welfare, social, and health facilities, along with residential spaces, workplaces, and other institutional functions. This environment is designed to serve as a natural meeting place, fostering active community participation for as long as possible, even among individuals with functional limitations such as cognitive impairment and dementia.
Effective space programming through service and systems-oriented design
Kvaløya BOV utilizes service and systems-oriented design to create a space that aligns with the needs and expectations of its actual users, from health service administrators to dementia patients. Unlike typical architecture and planning practices, incorporating design thinking ensures that space and circulation programming are based on real, on-ground experiences.
Fabric+ leads a series of diagnostic activities involving various stakeholders to precisely define the existing problems.
Stakeholder participation will be further solicited to gather and develop solutions, which will be integrated into the project's programming. This encompasses not only the spatial planning of the Kvaløya bo- og Velferdssenter but also the potential service value chain of this mixed-use development.
The design process aims to identify solutions that align with Tromsø's social goals, determining the extent of changes to be implemented at the current facility.